God of love,
you are the ground of our being.

You are the source of all life,
you are the breath that fills us,
you are the pulse that animates us.

Your love flows within us,
your compassion connects us,
your presence surrounds us.

You are light and love and life itself.

You dwell within each of us,
yet the world doesn’t know you.

Everywhere, people live in darkness.

They struggle for safety and security,
through power and prestige,
wealth and possessions,
control and domination –
of one person over another,
of one race over another,
of one country over another.
and violence, not love, is their redemption.

Fill us with your power,
the spirit of compassion.

Give us the courage and strength
to love our neighbors,
to reconcile with enemies,
to break down barriers,
to unite in community,
to share our bread,
to speak the truth,
and to offer our lives.

Use us as seeds, as leaven, as salt, as light,
to transform the world,
to reflect your vision for all of life,
and to joyfully welcome your reign of justice and peace.



© 2012 Kurt Struckmeyer