putting faith and love in action

To follow the teachings of Jesus, we must reflect the love he lived and taught in our own lives by loving and caring for one another. Our love must not be words only or in tender feelings—it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Here are some opportunities to become engaged in the building of the reign of God on earth.

guides for activism

The Indivisible Guide

A practical guide written by Former congressional staffers who reveal best practices for making Congress listen. It teaches effective political resistance based on successful tactics used by the Tea Party.

Student Activism: Being Active Pays Off

A guide to student activism that includes activism history, significant forms of student activism, the first steps to do as an activist, and a list of resources by cause (racism, environment, gender, LGBTQ, politics, sexual safety, and justice) with links.

Student Activism in School

A very thorough guide to student activism that explains what it means to be a student activist and where to find support and links for certain causes (diversity and racism, environmentalism and sustainability, LGBTQ and gender equality, politics and government, sexual health and safety, and social justice movements). It also provides tools and guidance on how to create goal-oriented, effective rallies for change.

Student Activism 101

Also a very thorough guide to student activism that explains what it means to be a student activist and where to find support and links for certain causes. It covers the main types of activism, how to start on your path, and what student activists should and shouldn’t do during demonstrations and other events. Moreover, it contains an awesome infographic about how to contribute to a cause depending on your strengths and talents.


feed the hungry

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink (Matthew 25:35)

Bread for the World

A Christian world hunger organization

The ONE Campaign

A nonpartisan campaign to end world hunger

Heifer International

An organization that helps families around the world achieve self-reliance through the gift of livestock and training

Feeding America

The nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, formerly known as America’s Second Harvest

Meals on Wheels

Home delivery of meals, human contact, and a safety check for senior citizens

clothe the naked

I was naked and you gave me clothing (Matthew 25:36)

shelter the homeless

Habitat for Humanity International

A Christian housing organization

The Fuller Center for Housing

A Christian housing organization

visit the sick and imprisoned

I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me (Matthew 25:36)

Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

A Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning humanitarian organization

Amnesty International

A worldwide campaign for human rights

welcome the stranger

I was a stranger, and you welcomed me (Matthew 25:35)

Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

A campaign by Sojourners creating a coalition of Christians united in support of comprehensive U.S. immigration reform

care for the environment

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good (Genesis 1:31)

Web of Creation

An ecumenical web site offering eco-justice resources

Greenpeace USA

An organization that uses peaceful direct action to save the earth’s environment

WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

One of the world’s largest and most respected independent conservation organizations

Sierra Club

Since 1892, the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States working to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself

work for peace and justice

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6)

Fellowship of Reconciliation

A religious organization that believes the power of love and truth is the answer to war and injustice

Pax Christi USA

A group dedicated to Christian nonviolence

Peace Action

A large grassroots peace network working to place pressure on Congress and the Administration through write-in campaigns, internet actions, citizen lobbying and direct action

United for Peace and Justice

A coalition of local and national groups who have joined together to protest the Iraq War and to work for peace and justice

Win Without War

A national coalition dedicated to engaging opinion makers, activating concerned citizens, and communicating effectively to the media to promote a more progressive national security strategy

The King Center

A center dedicated to the nonviolent movement for justice, equality and peace inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nonviolent Peaceforce

A nonpartisan unarmed peacekeeping force of trained civilians from around the world to protect human rights and deter violence

The War Resisters League

A nonviolent resistance group that believes that all war is a crime against humanity


prayer for discipleship