Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.

     Saying, “The kingdom of God has come near.”

The good news is that the kingdom has come in the here and now.

     “The kingdom of God is right here in your presence.”

He taught his disciples a way of living.

     So, the first followers of Jesus became known as the “followers of the Way.”

Following Jesus means practicing radical love.

     “Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.”

Following Jesus means practicing lavish generosity.

     “Give to everyone who begs from you.”

Following Jesus means practicing extravagant forgiveness.

     “Forgive seventy times seven times.”

Following Jesus means practicing inclusive hospitality.

     He shared meals with the despised and marginalized.

Following Jesus means practicing compassionate action.

     Jesus was moved with compassion to heal the sick and feed the hungry.

Following Jesus means practicing selfless service.

     “Whoever wants to be first must be the last of all and servant of all.”

Following Jesus means practicing a passion for justice.

     “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice.”

Following Jesus means practicing creative nonviolence.

     “If anyone hits you on your right cheek, offer him your left cheek too.”

Following Jesus means practicing simple living.

     “Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or what you will wear.”

Make us followers of the way of Jesus.

     Enable us to give up self-centered ambition,

     To take up our crosses,

     And to follow Jesus.



Copyright © 2024, Kurt Struckmeyer