doxology for humanity

I wrote this for Thanksgiving in 2013 when our table included those born in the USA, Iraq, Korea, and Ethiopia. With Christians, Muslims, and “nones” united, we sang the Doxology together as a common prayer for peace and justice in the world.

Some congregations and families are starting to use my “Doxology for Humanity” when lighting their Advent candles during the season of Advent. They are using one verse each Sunday.


Praise life that makes us change and grow
Praise love that makes compassion flow
Praise peace that ends all strife and fear
Praise hands that work for justice here

Praise ears that hear the children’s cries
Praise truth that counters cruel lies
Praise hearts that value human worth
Praise lives that build a better earth

Praise eyes that see all human need
Praise minds that cast out selfish greed
Praise lips that challenge those in power
Praise those who struggle every hour

Praise faith that keeps us ever strong
Praise hope that triumphs over wrong
Praise dreams that make our spirits rise
Praise voices raised in joyful cries


© 2013  Kurt Struckmeyer

Music: either Old Hundredth: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” or the Tallis Canon.

Permission is freely given for congregational use. Simply include the copyright and mention the website:



  1. Jeffrey Spencer

    May I use these in worship at my church?

    • Kurt Struckmeyer

      Definitely! That is what I hoped for when I wrote the lyrics. Anyone has my permission to use it if they include my copyright and mention the website. A church in southern California plans to use it as an offertory hymn for the next several weeks.

      • Alison MacNeill

        I will use it too – thanks for the permission! Harcourt United Church, ON Canada.

  2. Bob Klein

    Very powerful.
    I am not a gifted liturgy-writer, but would love to see if someone could take and write a litany using these phrases between spoken words.

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