embracing the Way of radical love and justice

When Jesus called his first followers—fishermen and peasants from Galilee—what was his message? Was it about believing in a future heavenly reward, or was it an urgent call to live a life of love, compassion, peace, and justice here on earth?

This website explores the radical teachings of the historical Jesus and their relevance in today’s complex, secular world. His message wasn’t centered on a way of believing, but on a way of living—a transformative path he called “the kingdom of God.” I call it “the conspiracy of love.”

rediscovering the Way of Jesus

Jesus spoke in parables of small, powerful changes: a mustard seed in a garden, yeast in dough, or a lamp lighting a dark room. They illustrated what a small dedicated group of people could do to transform society. These stories illustrate his call to action, not passive belief.

Early followers of Jesus were known as “followers of the Way,” forming small, egalitarian communities that lived out his teachings. Compassion, servanthood, and justice were the foundation of their lives, and their radical love transformed society.

the imperial shift: from Way to institution

With the rise of Constantine and the imperial church, Christianity shifted from following Jesus’ way of life to enforcing orthodoxy. Beliefs about Jesus—his divinity, sinlessness, and role as Savior—became central, while his call to radical love and justice was sidelined.

Today, the challenge is clear: to reclaim the transformative path of Jesus, and embracing his call to love, generosity, forgiveness, and nonviolence.

following Jesus beyond Christianity

Jesus’ teachings transcend religion. They are a human path rooted in compassion, justice, and service to others. As Mahatma Gandhi observed, “Jesus belongs not solely to Christianity, but to the entire world.”

This message resonates today as younger generations and the religiously unaffiliated (“nones” and “dones”) seek meaning outside traditional church structures. Jesus’ vision of a just and compassionate world—the kingdom of God—is as compelling now as it was 2,000 years ago.

a new path forward: religionless Christianity

Dietrich Bonhoeffer envisioned a “religionless Christianity” focused on contemplative prayer and action for justice. In an increasingly secular world, this vision offers a path for those seeking to follow Jesus without traditional religious trappings.

This is a call to a faith that is both intelligent and passionate—a vibrant life of love, service, justice, and nonviolence.

join the movement: the Way of Jesus

The Following Jesus website invites all—whether within the church, on its margins, or beyond—to explore a life rooted in radical love and courageous action.

Together, we can create communities that embody the transformative teachings of Jesus and work for justice and peace in the world. Discover how his life and teachings can inspire a life of purpose, compassion, and change.

the following Jesus website

This website obviously can be explored in any order you please, but let me first explain the order in which I have chosen to place the elements. The pages all in caps are the major categories in the drop-down menu. Lower case indicates subsections.

an invitation to follow Jesus

We start with an INVITATION that includes a short animation—an invitation to follow Jesus  in his own words. Then you will find an overview of what it means to have a life of faith in the postmodern world—not a system of belief, but a way of life.

explore religionless Christianity

We will explore what German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer saw as the future of the faith—a RELIGIONLESS CHRISTIANITY, that offers an alternative approach for our postmodern, post-Christian, and secular world today.

learn about the historical Jesus

We will examine the life of THE HISTORICAL JESUS. It is important to recover the real humanity of Jesus in the context of the first century if we are to follow him in the twenty-first.

learn about Jesus’ mission and message

The MISSION AND MESSAGE of Jesus focuses on the important theme of the kingdom of God, or what I call a conspiracy of love. I believe that comprehending what the kingdom of God is all about is the key to our understanding of the mission of Jesus.

The message of Jesus explores his major teachings, including what I think are his nine key teachings, outlining what it means to follow Jesus. It also includes an in-depth coverage of the wisdom of Jesus.

explore the postmodern world

The POSTMODERNITY section examines the gradual evolution from the pre-modern world to the modern world to the emergence of the postmodern world. It will then give an overview of the postmodern generations—Baby Boomers, Gen Xs, Millennials, Gen Zs, Gen Alphas, and starting now Gen Betas.

delve into justice, nonviolence, and inclusive community

We also do a deep dive into some major themes of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. In the JOURNEY section, we cover the topics of social justice, nonviolent resistance, and inclusive community.

learn about companions on our journey

You will have the opportunity to read about the lives of some significant people who have been COMPANIONS on our journey with Jesus. They include Francis of Assisi, Mohandas Gandhi, Clarence Jordan, Dorothy Day, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr, and Óscar Romero.

investigate further resources for the journey

Finally, we have a section on RESOURCES for reading and further study, as well as some links for action.

the following Jesus blog

Read a collection of occasional theological musings, liturgical pieces, poetry, and songs from Kurt Struckmeyer of the Mustard Seed School of Theology. They are categorized in sections labeled Jesus; the reign of God; God; Bible; liturgy; the church; poetry; and songs/hymns.

following Jesus books

Explore new books about a life of faith in a postmodern world from Kurt Struckmeyer of the Mustard Seed School of Theology.

following Jesus videos

View a number of videos that add to the message of the website, including 32 sermons by Rev. David Felten based on two of my books, A Conspiracy of Love and People of the Way.

following Jesus audio

Listen to a few audio selections that add to the message of the website.


Kurt Struckmeyer may be contacted at kurt@followingjesus.org.